Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Staying on The Ancient Path- Psalm 27

This is the next installment of  my Artsy-devotional video series on Staying on the Ancient Path.  Here I share what has happened to me in the last 3 months and how it’s like a huge boulder that has dropped on my path. The boulder is called breast cancer! Your "boulder" might be called another name, but it's still a boulder! Although it's large, God puts opsticals like this in our path in order for us to climb them, grow and learn from Him. God said that the path will not always be easy, but He also said that He will always be with us, strengthen us and be a light for us through the troubled times.

The devotional is on Psalm 27 when King David was hunted by the Philistines and by King Saul. Although he had a lot of people wanting to kill him, he also had a lot of people who were with him and helped him. Most importantly, he had God on his side.  I used Psalm 27:1 as the inspiration and quote for the page.

     "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?"

As I started making the page, it was all impromptu. I really didn't know what to do. But, as I started, it all flowed out and I end up making a pocket and putting the verse on a bookmark type card to insert in the pocket to remind me that if I have God in my back pocket, I don't have to be afraid!