Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Stepping into a new change in our family

“ ... thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.” Psalm 139:13b-14
Our family has been getting ready for a special day…the birth of our first...grandchild. For our daughter and her husband, it is their first child. It is a new phase in life: From husband to father, daughter and wife to mother, Father to grandfather, mother (that’s me) to grandmother, brother to Uncle! We are all stepping into a change in the path before us and are all excited with anticipation to welcome this new life into our family. Ever since that glimpse of her little heartbeat at 8 weeks, we were in love with her and the Lord knew her. His hands are gently holding her safe in her mother’s womb. I’m enjoying this special time with Sarah, visiting baby stores, cleaning and painting the nursery and raving over all the adorable baby clothes people have given her already. In all this preparation, I’m re-living my experience of my first pregnancy and birth of Sarah. The circle of life …is come around!
Little Juliet, we welcome you into our family with much joy and love!


  1. Lucky you, we are still waiting for our first grandchild , and it looks like we will be waiting for a while. Love you guys, enjoy the moment. Tim Bungard.

  2. mom, you're so sweet! i love you! :)
